Notable Projects


Lostcoin is a blockchain project that I did in a group of 7 as the third year Software Engineering project at Imperial. It is a combination of a cryptocurrency and an NFT based on lost Bitcoin Wallets. It is deployed on the Ethereum network and all the smart contracts are written using Solidity. I would love to talk more about this project, so do not hesitate to contact me if this seems interesting!

  • SoliditySolidity
  • PythonPython
  • ReactReact
Lostcoin Demo


Minesweepelm is a cool, simple minesweeper game created in Elm. It was a bit of a challenge because of the uniqueness of the programming language: while Elm is similar with Haskell, working with a purely functional language in the frontend was trickier than I had expected. Overall, I actually fell in love with Elm, so I am definitely looking forward to using it even in a professional environment!

  • ElmElm
Minesweepelm Demo

ARM Assembler / Emulator / Debugger

This is probably my biggest and most complex project, completed in a team of 4, as part of my first year at Imperial College London. Being a very low level task, the source code is written in C, taking advantage of many of its features. It converts ARM assembly language into ARM machine code that can be executed on the emulator. The debugger works similarly to the GDB, being able to step through the assembly program, set breakpoints and even watch registers.

  • CC
ARM Assembler / Emulator / Debugger Demo


FiFish is probably my dearest personal project, because it is also my first (more serious) one. It is a purely frontend website, made using the public API. The concept is very simple: just search for a fish (or seafood) and you will see lots of interesting facts about the species, such as appearance, biology and a surprising collection of pictures.

  • ReactReact
FiFish Demo